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Response to Defra Consultation on Reforming the UK Packaging Producer Responsibility System

In 2019, Defra launched a consultation requesting views on measures to reduce the amount of unnecessary and difficult to recycle packaging and increase the amount of packaging that can and is recycled, through reforms to the packaging producer responsibility regulations. It also proposed that the full net costs of managing packaging waste are placed on those businesses who use packaging and who are best placed to influence its design.

Response to Consultation on Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

In 2019, Defra launched a consultation requesting views on the merits of introducing a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The aim of the consultation was to ensure that, should a DRS be introduced, it will be easy for consumers to return drinks containers, leading to increased recycling rates and a reduction in littering. 

Response to DAERA Consultation on Northern Ireland Future Agricultural Policy Framework

In 2018, the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rura Affairs (DAERA) requested the views of stakeholders on a ‘Future Agricultural Policy Framework’ to help shape future agricultural policy and support arrangements for NI, once the UK leaves the European Union.

Response to Defra Consultation on Environmental Governance Post Brexit

In 2018, Defra launched a consultation on the contents of the Environmental Principles and Governance Bill, which will establish a new body to hold government to account for environmental outcomes post Brexit.

Response to Consultation on Changes to the Affordable Warmth Scheme

In 2017 the Department of Communities published a consultation on proposed changes to the Affordable Warmth Scheme. The review of the Affordable Warmth Scheme examined five key themes: Effectiveness and efficiency of processes; Appropriateness of delivery arrangements; Accuracy of the targeting model; Scheme performance in 2015/16; Scheme qualifying criteria. 

Response to NI Budget Briefing 2018

In 2017, the Department of Finance published a briefing paper on the broad choices available to inform government decisions on a Budget for Northern Ireland for 2018-2020. The paper included a number of revenue raising ideas but also proposes a range of potential funding cuts. It featured three scenarios, all of which included cuts to environmental programmes. 

Response to Consultation on NI Programme for Government Framework

In 2016, the NI Executive adopted a new approach to planning the Programme for Government. The Executive expressed a desire to work alongside councils, the voluntary sector, communities and business to tackle the challenges we face as a society. 

Response to Discussion Document on a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill

In 2013, the Environment Minister initiated a process of inviting views on the need for climate change legislation for Northern Ireland. The process moved to a second stage in late 2015 when the Department published a formal discussion paper on the same subject, seeking opinions on its newest proposals. 

Response to Consultation on Community Planning Guidance

In 2015, community planning became a major new responsibility for local councils under the Local Government Act (2015). The Department for Communities published a consultation on draft statutory guidance for the operation of community planning. 
