Francesca Di Palo is the Head of Public Sector Services at Sustainable NI. She joined SNI in September 2021 as Sustainability Officer. She is the policy lead and manages the NI Sustainable Development Forum, a network of public sector officers working together to drive forward the sustainable development agenda in Northern Ireland.
Francesca worked for 3 years as Eco-Schools Project Officer at KNIB, coordinating international programmes like the Young Reporters for the Environment. She collaborated with the Foundation for Environmental Education to grow the understanding of SDGs among young people and communities in NI and worldwide through the Education for Sustainable Development Network (ESD).
Previously she worked as Biodiversity Officer for Ulster Wildlife, implementing the AES UK&Ireland Biodiversity Action Plan. Her background in Ecosystem Functioning and Services comes from conservation work taken up for the charity sector and from completing a PhD in Plant and Soil Ecology at Ulster University.