Local council proposes ban on release of balloons and lanterns
When a balloon or sky lantern is let go, it will blow away, only to burst or deflate and return to Earth. They can travel thousands of miles before landing in a forest, field, lake or ocean. Balloon and Lantern releases are a global issue. Many animals – marine & terrestrial, wild & domestic – easily mistake them for food or get entangled in any string.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council would like to make sure that the local community, the residents, local interest groups, businesses, charities and visitors, have the opportunity to fully understand the impact of mass balloon and lantern releases and comment on our future proposals. The Chief Fire Officers Association, National Farmers' Union, Women’s Farmers Union, Marine Conservation Society, Country Land Owners Association and RSPCA are amongst those urging individuals to use alternatives to sky lanterns and to ask event planners and retailers to use alternatives as well.
The Council is interested in hearing your comments on balloon and lantern releases within the Borough and from Council owned properties, including comments on:
- Your views on the impacts of releases
- Your views on any proposed ban on releases
- Your views on any ban on releases from Council owned properties
- Your views on alternatives to balloon and lantern releases
The Council would be grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete the short survey below.
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