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Case Studies

The case studies on these pages are mostly rooted at home, although we have also illustrated good practice from organisations outside of Northern Ireland.

We encourage you to read these introductory articles and get in touch with the listed contacts if you want more detailed information. Use them as inspiration, copy them, reinterpret them or just admire them. 


The Ormeau Parklet: a test model to expand public space

The Ormeau Parklet is a trial placemaking project to test how Belfast can creatively redesign public spaces. Belfast Buildings Trust, Queen’s University Belfast, OGU Architects, MMAS Architects, the Department for Infrastructure, Belfast City Council, and four local hospitality businesses, are partnering on the project.

Repair at the heart of the community

Repair Café Belfast runs pop up community events where skilled volunteers help people fix their broken items. The team has run monthly events across the city and fixed hundreds of electricals, bikes, clothes and more. In response to interest from across Northern Ireland, they are now sharing their experience and helping other communities to start their own local repair café.

Elephant Park: £2.3 billion regeneration project – the UK's first climate positive development

Lendlease has been working in partnership with Southwark Council to deliver a £2.3 billion regeneration project in Elephant and Castle since 2010. Elephant Park is part of the wider Elephant and Castle Opportunity Area, one of Southwark Council’s ambitious redevelopment programmes. (The regeneration is split across three sites: Elephant Park, Trafalgar Place and One The Elephant.)

Sustainable Food Growing at Greenisland Allotments

The Greenisland Allotments in Greenisland opened over five years ago in response to the community desire to have access to greater communal green space. Thanks to almost £10k from the Whitemountain Programme, residents of Greenisland, including school and community groups, can now enjoy the site with improved facilities including a sustainable toilet, polytunnel for community growing and a suite of tools to help the plot holders look after the site. The allotments are managed by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

Handiheat - Improving Energy Efficiency for Rural Areas

Handiheat is a European project focussed on energy efficiency in rural communities who are heavily dependent on fossil fuel imports, and where fuel inequity is prevalent. Northern Ireland Partners include Northern Ireland Housing Executive and the ARC Healthy Living Centre in County Fermanagh as well as partners from Finland, Iceland, Shetland, and the Republic of Ireland

The project aims to address policy and establish a set of resources and toolkits, which can be implemented to help provide sustainable energy solutions for these communities. 

Recycling Investment Fund in Ards and North Down

Ards and North Down Borough Council established its 'Recycling Community Investment Fund' in 2016 as a thank you to residents for their recycling efforts. Since then, the funding has been used to support a range  of projects that directly benefit local residents and neighbourhoods.

Industrial Symbiosis at Haffey Sports Grounds

Mid Ulster District Council has worked with Portadown based International Synergies to find a suitable reuse opportunity for used synthetic carpet from a sports pitch that was intended for landfill.

Video Conferencing at Fermanagh & Omagh District Council

In late 2016, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council installed a video link conferencing system allowing for effective video conferencing between the Council’s principal administrative buildings, the Townhall in Enniskillen and the Grange in Omagh.

Sustainable regeneration at Giant's Park

Belfast City Council's Giant's Park is a trail blazing regeneration initiative, to transform a closed waste landfill site into innovative environmental resource park. 

Community Energy in Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Community Energy (NICE) project was set up to encourage community ownership of renewable energy technologies, specifical solar PV, and take advantage of financial incentives offered by government for renewable electricity (Renewable Obligation Certificates). The net benefit for the community is reduced reliance on electricity derived from fossil fuels, helping to reduce carbon emissions, provide energy savings, and build community resilience and strengthen the local economy.
