Training: Carbon Management
SNI Training: Carbon Management
10:00 - 13:00 | 9th May 2018 | Parliament Buildings, Belfast
The latest in the series of highly successful SNI training events focussed on carbon management, providing delegates from the public and voluntary sector with the tools and information needed for measuring and managing their organisation's carbon footprint.
In January 2018 the DAERA Deputy Secretary wrote to councils outlining the role of local government in tackling climate change, as set out in outcome 2 of the draft Programme for Government (PfG). In response to this, Sustainable NI developed a carbon management course to ensure councils and other statutory bodies would be equipped with the knowledge and tools required to take steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their own estates and operations, pursuant of outcome 2 of the draft PfG and advancing sustainable development as stipulated by the NI Miscellaneous Provisions Act (2006).
Learning objectives:
- Understand requirements in helping government mitigate carbon emissions
- Understand the impact of greenhouse gases on the climate system
- Hear best practice on monitoring, managing and reducing carbon emissions
- Learn how to embed carbon management within existing management systems
- Learn about carbon management tools and techniques e.g. carbon footprinting, carbon trading & offsetting
- Learn how to develop and manage a carbon accounting system appropriate for your organisation
The trainer was Adrian Davis CEnv, MIEMA. Adrian runs his own CSR and environmental management consultancy and has many years of experience assisting public and private sector organisations in developing effective energy and environmental management systems, establishing carbon footprints and developing carbon management strategies.